Baha'is under the Provisions of the Covenant (BUPC)

Sunday 20 October 2024

Universal Peace & the Oneness of Humanity

To Whom It May Concern:

Attached please find three archival documents significant to the very important history and spiritual development of the Universal Effort to Outlaw and Abolish all war permanently on planet earth (1928 prophesied Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact); and the people’s current role (2020-2027) in establishing a permanent and durable peace on earth for everyone, very much both needed and desired by all people everywhere today.

The Testimony of Jane Addams:

“Professor Francis B. Sayer of the Harvard Law School, who was later appointed Assistant Secretary of State by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was asked by the W.I.L (Women's International League For PEACE and FREEDOM) in 1927 to draft a MODEL ARBITRATION TREATY. This was widely circulated by our group, laying the foundation for the understanding of the KELLOGG-BRIAND PACT. Mr. Sayer's model was actually being circulated six months before M. Briand made his proposal which lead to THE PEACE PACT. In the same year 30,000 signatures were collected, asking President Coolidge to initiate the treaties for THE OUTLAWRY Of WAR. At the presentation of these to the President he announced his intention of beginning conversations with M. Briand on the subject of an OUTLAWRY OF WAR TREATY. The W.I.L. [w/ Jane Addams of Hull House & Sarah Farmer of Green Acre, et al.] continued presenting this matter until it was finally brought to a successful conclusion in 1929 [Legislated August 27. 1928 & in force by July 24. 1929], with ratification by the Senate of THE KELLOGG-BRIAND PACT.” (Testimony of Jane Addams--for the record and on the record--History of the W.I.L. for Peace and Freedom, US Section 1915-1940, p. 45).

The year 2028 will be the Centenary of the Outlawry of War (Aug 27, 1928 – Aug. 27, 2028), and we can only hope to imagine the celebrations of all people knowing war is illegal as originated from Chicago to legislated in Paris, France: the City of Origin to the City of Outcome at the culmination of this first 100 years.

In the first document, Jane Addams, of Chicago’s Hull House, explains how War was made illegal on Aug, 27, 1928, through the concerted efforts of her religious and humanitarian work based in Chicago and the circulation of the draft proposal of what became legislated as the Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact. The third document is part of the current ongoing Federal law case (now in the 10th Circuit Fed. Court in Denver, CO) -- filed from Chicago, that explains some of the religious significance of the "Covenant of Peace" (Ez. 37:26) that was successfully launched in 1928 from the windy city.

The second document records the historic meeting in Chicago (in 1912) between Jane Addams and the Delineator of the New Law (the son of its Author) who colluded together in Chicago, in the Name of LOVE, on how the hopes & dreams of world peace was to become the reality, and how the Cause to Outlaw War was to become triumphant in the hearts, minds, and souls of everyone. Only a mere 16 years later (1928) success on that front was immaculately achieved!

In my pov, the Outlawry and Abolition of War (the current spiritual, religious and LEGAL foundation for true humane civilization world-wide --established upon the Spirit of peace on earth and justice for all) is the greatest and single most important significant human achievement and event in the entire written history of our planet (see Hathaway & Shapiro (2018) The Internationalists, for more).

The discovery of fire and the invention of the wheel pale in comparison to the herculean task and monumental human achievement of the Abolition of War; and fall way short of the glory and Love embodied in the universal commitment of all peoples and nations toward "pacific means" (Article 2, lnc 2137) for the amicable and conclusive (nonviolent and non-aggressive) settlement of all disputes. 

Fire has been used to burn people in the ovens and camps, and the wheel to grind people up in the engines of war! Electricity to end human life in the "chair" and the nuclear force to genocide human beings in a single flash of misqualified ill intent! Whereas the Outlawry of War, and the CALL to democratically elect the Committee For a Durable World Peace, to fully uphold Our conjoint promise (1928) to one another to cooperate to thrive and survive together (Article 2 "pacific means") is nothing less than pure and pristine! 

In fact this 1928 Covenant for Peace on earth is really truly a sacred gift!! Why? Because both Life itself and the tabernacling of Life in the living temple of the human being are sacred! No gift is greater than the gift of life and life abundantly! And all other gifts only serve to enhance the quality and Spirit of our being and the everlasting nature of that life: a life of safety, security, and salvation for all peoples, including ourselves--as OUR LIFE in eternal paradise in both this world and the next if we voluntarily and freely choose--openly & unalloyed--in the joyous Spirit of gratitude and lovingly tender thankfulness, to say: "Yes!"

Yes, to Love, yes to Life, yes to the real peace on earth only a true poetic & social justice shall provide...and now, today, legally so.

The fact that this cause to end all wars emerged from the Baha’i Activity Center and work in Chicago and the work of the conjoint efforts of Jane Addams and her extended "Addams family" at Chicago's Hull House and beyond, places Chicago on the map as one of the most important, outstanding and significant cities and spiritual communities in the cultural and religious history of the story of the development and unfolding progressive civilization of all humankind. A sacred cause, from a sacred and holy special place. Here is a url to a more fully explained understanding of the Everlasting Covenant of Love and Universal Peace (Ez. 37:26; Deut. 7:9 NIV):

The fact that the active war in Ukraine/Crimea (coupled with the current DENVER Federal Case to suppress this info. that seeks to collect up all the books, archival materials and "blueprints" and guidance materials for permanent destruction) continues the ongoing saga of this Cause for the Oneness of Humanity and Universal Peace as a Current Event happening in real time: And preserves and sustains Chicago as the current Central City of religious and spiritual significance in the Heartland of America from out which the ultimate spiritual and material Triumph of the human being shall be won, once and for all time.

May this letter find you in good spirits with sparkling joy and confidently secure radiant glimmers of Happiness Love and Life, as the mystery of mysteries continues to unfold in the thrilling hearts minds and souls of everyone--everyone who has keen focused eyes to see and loving yearning open ears to hear--for FACT is the foundation! Fact is the Lyric, Fact is the Song, and Fact is the backbeat and the rhythm of the celestial music of the heavenly spheres...

Only through each person, independently investigating the reality with their own eyes (facts!) and not through the eyes of their neighbor shall the FACT become certain and the truth be established!

My door is always open, and all people of all walks of life are always welcome. If I can be of any further assistance for you and your important work in the reality of the cause at any time, please feel free to always let me know your thoughts...

I remain yours truly,
Dr. Chase.

ps. We need two things to accept the truth: an intellect to recognize it (facts!), and a pure heart filled with true Love to accept it.

Blessings and Peace be upon you! And all your loved ones in these days of global spiritual awakening.

I remain yours,
Your servant,


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The Return of Christ

As the Bab gave his life so that Baha'u'llah should live, Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha gave their lives that the Davidic lineage should last for ever as the Presidents of the true Universal House of Justice of Baha'u'llah. The line of David has continued safe in America from the days of the Master's visit to that continent in 1912 when he rested for a day in the Rocky Mountains and where God has established his seed for ever.
